The Trap DVD 1966 (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Widescreen. Color. New, lower price!
Starring: Oliver Reed, Rita Tushingham, Rex Sevenoaks, Barbara Chilcott, Linda Goranson, Walter Marsh. Written by David Osborn. Directed by Sidney Hayers.
After three years in the wilderness French Canadian trapper, Jean La Bete (Oliver Reed), returns to civilization intending to find a wife. Having just missed the auction of a cast-off woman, he takes a trader's mute housekeeper, Eve (Rita Tushingham). La Bete returns to his remote cabin with Eve, who must learn the hardship and savage beauties of his primitive life. Nature takes its course with the two, faltering in their communication, until Eve must summon all her strength and courage to rescue La Bete and save his life.
A rugged love story set against the majestic panorama of 19th century British Columbia. This epic one-of-a-kind tale for all ages is not to be missed!
"THE TRAP...is a woman whose name is EVE. THE TRAP...is a man with the strength of a lion. THE TRAP...is an adventure in human courage razor-edged!"
Review: "Caught in "The Trap" I saw this movie one late night on TV in the early 70's while living in NYC. The image of Eve and Jean La Bete discovering themselves set against the Northwest wilderness never left me. Over the years this movie kept creeping back into my head like few other movies have. It tells a story that is unique, simple and compelling. Reed brings a "bull in the china-shop" masculinity to the character Jean La Bete that at first conflicts with, but then blends with the very subtle beauty and inner strength of Eve, played perfectly and silently by Rita Tushingham. (Tushingham also plays the adult daughter of Laura and Dr. Zhivago in Dr. Zhivago.) I didn't see "The Trap" again until a few years ago. This is a very unusual love story. "The Trap" might catch you like it did me years ago."