The Picture Show Man DVD (Region One Playable in North America – The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Color. Widescreen. Beautiful print!
Starring: Rod Taylor, John Meillon, Sally Conabere, Judy Morris, Harold Hopkins, John Ewart, Patrick Cargill, Garry McDonald, Tony Barry. Written by Joan Long, based on Lyle Penn's
A warm and witty comedy set in the 20s chronicling the adventures of Maurice Pym (John Meillon), a flamboyant showman travelling the Australian outback and back roads unreeling silent films for the locals and natives, many of whom think such things are actual magic. Braving much hardship and heartbreak along the way, Pym soon clashes with rival showman Palmer a loud-mouthed, super-cool, ever-smiling American (Rod Taylor).
"20 Years in Show Business & He Hasn't Lost a Customer Yet. You haven't been to the movies until you've seen..."
Review: "Whimsical and slightly bittersweet tale of competing projectionists (Meillon and Taylor), who traverse the Australian outback, bringing the joy of motion pictures to packed theatres in the 1920's. Their rivalry serves as the backdrop to the surprisingly cut-throat art of picture shows, from the pitfalls of double-acts and faulty equipment, to the looming spectre of talking pictures ("that'll just be a fad" announces Meillon, somewhat cautiously as he rallies his companions for another relentless tour of duty).
It's a peerless homage to the business and its characters, with sympathetic performances from all concerned, Meillon especially well considered in his role of the traveling man, compelled to labor under the extremes for a pittance, resisting the trappings and exploitation in order to preserve the traditions that his business-savvy rival Taylor dismisses as anachronisms, barriers to amassing his fortune.
The cinematography is pure indulgence of the Australian landscape, its rich colours and textures, wrapping a beautifully crafted tale, a modest, understated and poignant reminder of the way we once were."