A Man Called Intrepid 1979 DVD (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) 3-Disc Set. Color. Full Frame (shown in its original 1.33:1 aspect ratio).
Starring: David Niven, Barbara Hershey, Michael York, Flora Robson, Gayle Hunnicutt, Peter Gilmore and Ferdy Mayne. Screenplay David Ambrose. Directed by Peter Carter.
Based on the best-selling book by William Stevenson, this 3-Part NBC miniseries begins in 1939, just before the outbreak of WWII. With his warnings of Hitler's treachery going ignored, out-of-power politician Winston Churchill (Nigel Stock) approaches patriotic Canadian industrialist Sir William Stephenson (David Niven) with an unusual request. Sir William is asked to use his own funds to secretly organize an Allied espionage network, to be set in motion the moment Hitler shows his hand. Joining in this covert operation is American president Franklin D. Roosevelt, who, risking possible impeachment, encourages Sir William to establish a training base for spies in Ontario. Accounts include top level wartime undercover operations, including the breaking of the German Enigma code, and the race for the atomic bomb. It is a gripping true story of extraordinary personal heroism and sacrifice in the face of war. Other concerned parties include the courageous French expatriate Madelaine (Barbara Hershey) and Sir William's right-hand man Evan Michaelain (Michael York).
A must see!