THE LONGEST HUNDRED MILES (The Longest 100 Miles) (1967) Color DVD (Region One Playable in North America – The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.)
Starring: Doug McClure, Katharine Ross, Ricardo Montalban, Ronald Remy, Helen Thompson, Berting Labra, Vilma Santos, Vic Diaz. Written by Hennie Leon, Paul Mason, Winston Miller. Directed by Don Weis.
During the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, an assorted group of refugees, including an American soldier (Doug McClure), an Army nurse Katharine Ross), a priest (Ricardo Montalban) and a group of local children, try to make their getaway aboard a rattletrap, creaky bus. Shot on location in The Philippines.
The song "500 Miles" was made popular by this film.
"Flight and pursuit in the war-torn Philippines! Mile by Mile. Minute by Minute...The Most Dangerous Escape of the War!"
*Very, very few prints of THE LONGEST HUNDRED MILES exist. After an extensive search we found what we believe to be the best surviving elements. We are pleased to make this available here on DVD, however the quality is not what you would expect of a state-of-the-art re-mastered print. It is rough. On a scale of 1 to 10 it would be a six or seven. But it is great for those who truly wish to see this almost lost wonderful war film.