The Little Kidnappers 1953 DVD (aka The Kidnappers). (Region One Playable in North America – The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.)
Starring: Duncan Macrae, Jean Anderson, Theodore Bikel, Vincent Winter, John Whiteley, Adrienne Corri, Alex McCrindle. Written by Neil Paterson (based on his story "Scotch Settlement"). Directed by Philip Leacock. B&W. The Original Version!
Set in primitive rural Nova Scotia, a stern Scottish grandfather tries to pass on his prejudices against the Boers to his two orphaned grandsons. When the boys ask for a dog, the old man forbids it - but their desire to express love is so overwhelming they secretly adopt a baby. If you have not seen this, you are in for a rare treat.
We also offer the 1990 remake of THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS with Charlton Heston.
A warm, human film sure to please everyone in the family.
Review: "It is often overlooked that the (Little) Kidnappers young star Jon Whitely received a special Oscar for his portrayal of Harry in this film. Acting honours aside, this film is about the most perfect little family movie you will ever see."