The Last Polka (The Shmenges) 1985 DVD John Candy and Eugene Levy

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The Last Polka (The Shmenges) 1985 DVD (Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Color.

Starring: John Candy, Eugene Levy, Catherine O'Hara, Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Robin Duke, Mary Margaret O'Hara, John McAndrew, Nick Nichols. Written by Eugene Levy and John Candy. Directed by John Blanchard.

The Last Polka charts the rise and fall of that fabulous Lutonian two-some, the Shmenge Brothers. John Candy is Yosh Shmenge, and Eugene Levy is Stan Shmenge. "And ve are...der Happy Vanderers." This hilarious mocu-mentary traces the early lives of the Shmenge boys, their first successes on local Canadian television, and the ultimate dissolution of their accordian-dominated polka band. We are also permitted a few peeks at the Shmenges' private lives with their families, as they celebrate such venerated Lutonian customs as "The Exchanging of the Socks".

A parody of Martin Scorcese's documentary, The Last Waltz (about the breakup of the rock group The Band), this is a one-of-a-kind, pricelessly funny gem. Don't miss it!