FM DVD (1978) Color Approx. 104 Min., Shown in its original aspect ratio. (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.)
Starring: Michael Brandon, Eileen Brennan, Alex Karras, Cleavon Little, Martin Mull, Cassie Yates, Linda Ronstadt and Jimmy Buffett. Written by Ezra Sacks. Directed by John A. Alonzo.
Q-SKY program director and morning DJ Jeff Dugan (Michael Brandon) builds a large fanbase by assembling a group of charismatic on-air personalities playing popular rock and roll. He soon finds that corporate management expects Jeff to use the station's position atop the ratings to sell more advertising time. A new sales manager, Regis Lamar (Tom Tarpey), presents him with the chance to advertise for the U.S. Army using a series of cheesy radio ads. When Jeff refuses to endorse the contract, Regis takes the issue to upper management. Jeff is then ordered to run the ads as provided by the Army and on the schedule specified in the advertising contract. Rather than comply, Jeff quits his job. All of the remaining DJs decide to take control of the station in a lock-in/sit-in/protest. They get listeners to gather in the street outside the station as a sort of protest while the DJs play music without any commercials.
The soundtrack is worth the ride!